Sunday, August 5, 2012

Which Body Areas Are Ideal for Smartlipo Triplex Liposuction Procedure

Most fat-affected body areas are ideal for Smartlipo Triplex liposuction procedure. It is high-tech and offers great customization options.

 Fat Accumulation Is Universal

 It is a fact that people tend to get obese and lose that perfect image they’ve maintained in their youth due to the stress and strain of professional life. Lifestyle choices also determine the rate of fat accumulation in individuals. Fat once gained is hard to lose. Many of us have the desire to have a chiseled appearance, and not all plastic surgery modalities can deal with obesity. However, there are advanced body sculpting procedures that help to restore a youthful appearance for ideal candidates.

 Body Sculpting Opportunities with Smartlipo

 Smartlipo Triplex liposuction offers amazing body sculpting opportunities. This laser liposuction method can get rid of aesthetic issues such as jowls, bat wings, saddle bags, muffin tops, and love handles.

 Smartlipo Triplex is an advanced laser-aided lipolysis device that ensures effective fat removal in a minimally invasive manner. The effectiveness and precise targeting of the area by the laser makes Smartlipo liposuction safer and much less cumbersome when compared to conventional liposuction. Along with effective fat removal, it also facilitates skin tightening and collagen stimulation while destroying those fat cells permanently. The results begin to show almost immediately and keep improving with time.

 Technological Advancements

 Smartlipo liposuction is particularly ideal for treating areas such as the chin, face, back, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, mons pubis, knees, upper arms, hips and male breasts. The laser for this procedure is administered through the state-of-the-art Smartlipo Triplex workstation from Cynosure. It employs the Nd:YAG solid state laser emitted in wavelengths of 1064nm, 1320nm and 1440nm.

 The surgeon has the choice to combine the wavelengths through the Multiplex technology or use them independently. The versatility of the wavelengths and the ability to combine them makes the laser liposuction process a lot more effective and precise. It is perfect for procedures such as six-pack abdominal etching.

 SmartSense and ThermaGuide

 The smart technologies don’t end there. Smartlipo Triplex liposuction also employs features such as ThermaGuide and SmartSense that ensure energy is delivered in a regulated manner. This is crucial for the safety of the entire procedure. The bruising and discomfort are much less and the surgery can be performed under local anesthesia. The lesser risk and complications mean that patients can get back to their normal routine faster. There is no excessive bleeding or bruising.

 Liposuction treatment is ideal and effective for all kinds of body contouring and ambitious sculpting treatments. Almost all typical body areas are ideal for Smartlipo Triplex liposuction procedure.

1 comment:

  1. I hear about this procedure for the first time, but seems very interesting and useful as well. I'm thinking about the liposuction Toronto procedure, because I've got rid of some belly fat extra pounds and my skin doesn't look that good. And from what I've heard a procedure like this is really useful, with satisfying results.
