Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Breast Enlargement Surgery - Different Approaches

Women who are not happy with the size and shape of their breasts can benefit from breast augmentation surgery. There are different approaches to breast enlargemaent surgery such as breast implants and fat transfer augmentation. Your plastic surgeon can advise you on the most suitable option, taking account of physical considerations and other factors.

Methods of Breast Enhancement

Regardless of the approach adopted, breast enlargement surgery can provide you with a fuller and more attractive bust line.

Breast Implants

Depending on your body type and aesthetic goals, your plastic surgeon will help you choose from two FDA approved implant options - saline breast implants and silicone breast implants. Both types have a strong silicone outer shell and are inserted through incisions. The incision may be placed beneath the breasts, at the lower edge of the areola, or in the arm pit. The location for incision usually depends on your age, implant type, breast anatomy, and so on. Breast implants are available in variety of shapes and sizes, and your surgeon will guide you on making the right choice.
Patients can gain many benefits by undergoing breast implant surgery.
  • Increases fullness of the breasts
  • Increases the size of the breasts
  • Improves breast size asymmetry
  • Boosts self confidence
Only a small incision is required for saline implants as they are usually filled with saline or salt water after insertion. Silicone implants come pre-filled with silicone gel. They have a texture similar to breast tissues, which gives them a more natural look and feel. A longer incision is required as the implants are filled with gel before insertion.

Breast Augmentation Surgery through Fat Transfer

Gaining popularity for its effectiveness and safety, fat transfer breast augmentation offers breasts that are closer to natural compared to implants. The reason is that, in this method, fat grafts are taken from areas of the body with excess fat, purified and injected into the breasts to increase size. Typical donor areas include the abdomen and flanks. Fat transfer provides the additional advantage that the liposuction of the excess fat serves to streamline body contour in the donor areas.
Other benefits:
  • Use of the patient’s own fat provides natural looking results for breast enhancement
  • No usage of foreign materials
  • Permanent results
  • Fewer risks compared to implants
Breast enlargement surgery can help women enhance body contour and boost their self confidence. As there are different approaches to the cosmetic breast surgery, do your research and make sure you find the right plastic surgeon to benefit from an effective and safe solution.

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