Monday, September 17, 2012

Smartlipo Triplex Laser Liposuction Results - What You Can Expect

Smartlipo Triplex liposuction is an advanced cosmetic procedure that is perfect for people finding it difficult to get rid of excess fat in the body through workouts and diet control.  Since excellent results are offered by this liposuction surgery, it is becoming popular day by day. Without much discomfort, localized fat deposits in various areas such as the outer thighs, inner thighs, upper arms, chest, chin, breasts, ankles, hips, waist and abdomen can be treated very effectively. Local anesthesia is sufficient for this liposuction surgery that makes it safer, while reducing pain and discomfort to the patient. Faster recovery is also enabled, without much downtime. Since this procedure is a very convenient one, there is no need of a lengthy hospital stay. With the help of features such as SmartSense and ThermaGuide, the temperature of the skin is regulated along with the flow of laser energy. Thus, overheating is avoided and any chance of hot spots developing in the liposuction treatment area is prevented.

What Results to Expect from Smartlipo Triplex Liposuction

The advantages of laser liposuction are many when compared to traditional liposuction. This procedure of plastic surgery is innovative and unwanted fat deposits are removed, without any complications. Given below are some benefits and results that can be expected from the treatment:

• Minimal bleeding, bruising or scars
• Exceptional results of body contouring with minimum downtime
• Offers a firm, toned, smooth and radiant skin
• Use of a highly innovative device helps in keeping the muscles and surrounding tissues intact.
• Through tissue coagulation and collagen regeneration, enhanced skin tightening is ensured.
• Since the complications involved in the procedure are minimal, faster recovery and healing is possible.

Long Lasting Results

With Smartlipo Triplex liposuction patients can now obtain results that are very close to their expectations. The results are long lasting and improvement is seen in the months following the liposuction treatment. If an experienced plastic surgeon is chosen, the best results can be ensured. A good plastic surgeon usually provides services from a plastic surgery center that has got an AAAASF accreditation. The best care can be expected along with advanced techniques and equipment that ensure expected results, efficiency and safety. The internet is the best place for finding a reliable plastic surgery facility. One can choose from a list of plastic surgery centers in Connecticut, as the city has some of the best plastic surgeons in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Many people are alert now about their health. Fat is a common problem for our health. There are many way to get fatless. But I think liposuction surgery is a best way of them. It really gives you a good result.
    Laser Tysons Corner VA
