Sunday, December 23, 2012

Are You a Candidate for SmartLipo Triplex Laser Liposuction?

Liposuction removes excess, stubborn fat in a safe and effective way. Smartlipo Triplex is the most advanced laser liposuction technology that can help you achieve the desired body contour. However, not all people can have this minimally invasive laser-enabled surgery. So the first step is to determine if you are the right candidate for Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction.  

The Right Candidate for Liposuction – Important Considerations 

 The following considerations will help determine whether you are a suitable candidate for this cosmetic surgery:
  • Excess localized fat deposits: The ideal candidate for liposuction surgery is a person who has excess fat in various areas of the body and has failed to resolve the problem through diet and exercise. Areas typically affected include the abdomen, thighs, arms, waist, chest and even delicate regions like the jowls, cheeks, ankles and calves.
  • Healthy: If you have health conditions such as diabetes, anemia, or edema you may not be a good candidate for liposuction treatment. You may also be asked to stop medications such as blood thinners, if you take any.
  • Not overweight: Individuals who are excessively overweight will have to reduce their weight before considering this laser liposuction procedure. There are limits on the amount of fat that can be removed safely in one operation. The chances of complications are more with such patients.
  • Improve on a previous liposuction procedure: If you are looking for a minimally invasive liposuction procedure to improve on the outcome of previous liposuction surgery, Smartlipo can help.
  • No loose skin: If your skin is loose, then you may need an additional procedure to set that right. For instance, if you want abdominal liposuction, and have loose skin, a tummy tuck may be required to remove it.
  • Young and active: SmartLipo Triplex laser liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure and under local anesthesia. It is therefore ideal for young and active people as it involves little downtime and quick recovery.
  • Realistic expectations: The right candidate is one who has realistic expectations about the possible outcomes of the procedure.
If you qualify for laser liposuction, the next step is to find a reliable plastic surgeon who is skilled and experienced in performing Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction. This advanced laser technology features three wavelengths – 1064nm, 1320nm and 1440nm. In this minimally invasive laser treatment, the small cannula is inserted into the skin. It disrupts the fat cells and induces collagen production for skin tightening. Intelligent delivery systems ensure patient safety: SmartSense prevents hot spots and ThermaGuide prevents overheating for a more uniform treatment.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Breast Enlargement Surgery - Different Approaches

Women who are not happy with the size and shape of their breasts can benefit from breast augmentation surgery. There are different approaches to breast enlargemaent surgery such as breast implants and fat transfer augmentation. Your plastic surgeon can advise you on the most suitable option, taking account of physical considerations and other factors.

Methods of Breast Enhancement

Regardless of the approach adopted, breast enlargement surgery can provide you with a fuller and more attractive bust line.

Breast Implants

Depending on your body type and aesthetic goals, your plastic surgeon will help you choose from two FDA approved implant options - saline breast implants and silicone breast implants. Both types have a strong silicone outer shell and are inserted through incisions. The incision may be placed beneath the breasts, at the lower edge of the areola, or in the arm pit. The location for incision usually depends on your age, implant type, breast anatomy, and so on. Breast implants are available in variety of shapes and sizes, and your surgeon will guide you on making the right choice.
Patients can gain many benefits by undergoing breast implant surgery.
  • Increases fullness of the breasts
  • Increases the size of the breasts
  • Improves breast size asymmetry
  • Boosts self confidence
Only a small incision is required for saline implants as they are usually filled with saline or salt water after insertion. Silicone implants come pre-filled with silicone gel. They have a texture similar to breast tissues, which gives them a more natural look and feel. A longer incision is required as the implants are filled with gel before insertion.

Breast Augmentation Surgery through Fat Transfer

Gaining popularity for its effectiveness and safety, fat transfer breast augmentation offers breasts that are closer to natural compared to implants. The reason is that, in this method, fat grafts are taken from areas of the body with excess fat, purified and injected into the breasts to increase size. Typical donor areas include the abdomen and flanks. Fat transfer provides the additional advantage that the liposuction of the excess fat serves to streamline body contour in the donor areas.
Other benefits:
  • Use of the patient’s own fat provides natural looking results for breast enhancement
  • No usage of foreign materials
  • Permanent results
  • Fewer risks compared to implants
Breast enlargement surgery can help women enhance body contour and boost their self confidence. As there are different approaches to the cosmetic breast surgery, do your research and make sure you find the right plastic surgeon to benefit from an effective and safe solution.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fat Transfer - Increase Breast Volume without Implants

If you want to achieve fuller and well-shaped breasts without the insertion of a medical device such as an implant, opt for fat transfer. Breast augmentation through fat grafts offers a natural method to increase breast volume. This breast augmentation method uses your own fat cells to enlarge your breasts. Any woman who is healthy can choose this option.

Fat Transfer Breast Enhancement Procedure offers Many Benefits

In this procedure, fat grafts are taken from areas with excess fat such as the stomach and thighs via liposuction. This process is fat harvesting. Established plastic surgery facilities offer liposuction fat transfer, using the latest liposuction technology for safe and uncomplicated removal of adipose tissue. The removed fat is then purified and injected into the breasts to increase volume.
  • Natural look and long lasting results: Breast augmentation through fat grafting method gives your breasts a more natural look than with artificial implants. Results last longer
  • Safe and risk free procedure: Fat transfer is a minimally invasive procedure. The fat grafting method is free from large scars, and implant associated problems such as rippling, ruptures, and breast feeding issues. As one’s own fat is used, the risk of inserting a foreign object in the body is avoided.
  • Effective for breast reconstruction: The fat grafting method is an ideal way to improve on the results of breast reconstruction following mastectomy.
  • Dual advantages: A patient with excessive fat can gain in two ways:
  1. Fat harvesting from specific areas improves body contour in those areas
  2. Use of this fat to enhance breast size and volume
  • Minimal discomfort and quick recovery: Dis comfort is minimal as there are no incisions and recovery is quicker.
  • Minimal complications: Complications are very rare in case of fat transfer breast enhancement.
  • Relatively painless: Instead of incisions as in implants, liposuction fat transfer and fat injections are minimally invasive.
  • Minimal downtime: Minor scars like pinholes may appear which is visible temporarily.
  • No need for further surgery: There is no need for further surgery, as may be necessary to replace damaged or ruptured implants
Success with Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Success with fat harvesting for breast enhancement depends on choosing the right plastic surgeon. Not all surgeons are experts in this surgery. So make sure the surgeon you choose has sufficient experience to provide you with safe and effective fat transfer to enhance breast volume without implants. Follow all the instructions prescribed by your surgeon to ensure a smooth and safe recovery.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How Effective Is a Tummy Tuck?

Many men and women are troubled by flabby skin, fat and loose muscles that mar the shape and look of their abdomen and general physique. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is an effective way of resolving these issues. The procedure flattens the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin, and tightening the abdominal muscles.  

What is Involved in a Tummy Tuck

There are two types of abdominoplasty:
  • Mini/Partial:
-For patients who require less correction
-An endoscopic procedure below the navel
-Abdominal muscles are tightened
  • Complete/Full:
-For those who require more correction
-Through a long incision from hip to hip and also around the navel -
Loose skin is removed and abdominal muscles are tightened

Both these plastic surgery procedures are done under general anesthesia. The partial procedure involves less scarring than the complete one. Other cosmetic procedures like fat grafting or liposuction may be combined with tummy tuck to achieve a more enhanced body contour. The plastic surgeon recommends the suitable procedure and develops a custom plan for the patient.

The patient is thoroughly evaluated to decide on the kind of surgery that is needed and also to check for health issues. Ideal candidates are men and women in good health. Women who have stretched muscles and skin following multiple pregnancies can benefit as tummy tuck surgery tightens the muscles and removes the excess fat. The procedure can also help to reduce the excess fat deposits or loose skin that remains in the abdominal area following a weight loss program.

 Changes that Can be Expected after an Abdominiplasty

A flatter abdomen that is also firmer is the first thing that can be noticed after the tummy tuck. You can see that the body contour has improved and that the skin is tighter, with fewer stretch marks. There is considerable change in the waistline size. Recovery may take about six weeks. As with any other type of plastic surgery, there are certain risks and complications, but most of these can be avoided or resolved with the right plastic surgeon. Besides using the latest technology to achieve optimal results, a trained and experienced plastic surgeon can ensure your safety.

When you have tried every way to reduce the abdominal bulge and are unsuccessful, try going in for a tummy tuck. However, though this is a very effective way to achieve your goal of a well-sculpted abdomen, make sure to follow a proper diet and exercise regimen to maintain the results.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why Do Women Think About a Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is usually sought after by women who have saggy skin in their abdominal area. They expect that the procedure to result in a flatter, younger looking abdomen and improved waistline. Women think about tummy tuck when the loose skin in the abdominal area mars their looks. This could be due to one of the following factors:
  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Post-pregnancy skin sagging
  • Persistence of abdominal fat and loose skin despite a controlled and healthy diet and weight-loss regimen
So the procedure is ideal for women of normal weight who wish to get rid of loose or stretched abdominal skin.  

About the Procedure

There are basically two types of procedures: complete abdominoplasty and mini tummy tuck. The ‘complete’ surgery is meant for women who require extensive correction. A long incision is placed in the lower abdominal area, from hip to hip, and one around the navel. The partial or mini tummy tuck involves less scarring. An endoscopic procedure is used to tighten abdominal muscles Women who consider tummy tuck surgery need to be aware of the basics of the procedure:
  • General anesthesia is applied
  • An incision is made above the pubic hair line from hip to hip, or below the naval line
  • Excess skin and fat is removed
  • The abdominal tissue is tightened
  • The incision is closed with sutures
After the procedure, result is a flatter abdomen with less stretch marks. A full tummy tuck is for those with lots of skin to get rid off. A partial or mini one requires shorter incisions, done for those having fat under the belly-button.

 Things to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

A tummy tuck should be performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. As with any other plastic surgery procedure, there could be risks involved. Having a qualified surgeon perform the surgery can minimize the risks. The right surgeon will do a thorough evaluation of your physical condition and medical history before going ahead. Choose a surgeon you are comfortable with. Here are some questions you may ask your physician:
  • Is the surgery right for me?
  • What result can I expect after the procedure?
  • When will I recover completely?
  • What kind of anesthesia is used?
  • What are the risks involved in this procedure?
  • When will I be able to resume normal activity after the surgery?
  • How many abdominoplasty procedures have you performed?
You can also ask to see before and after pictures of previous surgeries, but remember that results may vary among patients.You might be asked to stay at the hospital for a day or two based on the time you might need to recover. Make sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions for a fast recovery.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rhinoplasty in Connecticut

Rhinoplasty for a Youthful Look

Rhinoplasty is a popular cosmetic surgery performed to modify and enhance the shape of the nose. The surgery can reduce the size of an overly large nose, improve the angle between the nose and the upper lip, remove a bump, and mend the nasal tip, nostrils and bridge. If you are thinking of rhinoplasty in Connecticut, you should locate a reputed plastic surgery center in the area to ensure effective results. Nose surgery can also correct breathing difficulties caused by structural distortions.

Who can Undergo Rhinoplasty?

Plastic surgeons normally advise rhinoplasty to be performed only after the age14 as it is only by that time that full facial growth is attained. Nose surgery can be performed on both men and women who are in good health.  Patients are strictly discouraged from using drugs, tobacco or alcohol two weeks before the surgery as this may delay healing and restrict the chances of a positive outcome. Moreover, it is important that the patient has realistic expectations about the results.

Procedures Involved In Rhinoplasty

Two techniques are used to perform rhinoplasty - open and closed. In the closed technique, incisions are placed inside the nostrils to restructure and adapt cartilages and nasal bones. In the open technique, incisions are made across columella, the small band of skin between the nostrils. Sometimes, structural bones in the nose are moved or restructured during the rhinoplasty procedure. When the surgery is complete, the nose is covered with flexible paper tapes and tissue glue, and a molded plastic splint is wrapped around the nose for complete protection. Rhinoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia. Depending on the irregularities and individual surgical requirements, the duration of procedure may vary.  Generally, patients are advised a week’s rest. Prior to the surgery, consult your plastic surgeon to understand about health risks, treatment procedures, recovery time and cost.

Find the Right Place for Rhinoplasty

It is important to locate an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center with qualified and experienced plastic surgeons for the best results. Imperfections in the surgery and related procedures can lead to complications and fail to provide with the outcome you are looking for.  Make sure that the plastic surgeon has expertise in nose surgery. The right surgeon would utilize state of art technology and surgical procedures to provide you with personalized treatment plan. Many people wish to have their rhinoplasty in Connecticut as the region houses reputable plastic surgery clinics. Thus get your nose job done quickly and appealingly to come back the home sooner.

Why Consider Rhinoplasty in Connecticut

If you are worried about the shape of your nose or suffer from structural problems that interfere with your breathing, rhinoplasty or surgery for the nose could be the solution. Nose surgery can result in an attractive nose and also help people resolve breathing difficulties. The reason why you should consider rhinoplasty in Connecticut is because the region has many reputable plastic surgeries centers that offer excellent results for the procedure.

About rhinoplasty

Medical rhinoplasty is mainly intended to treat breathing difficulties which might be caused due to the structural abnormalities of the nose.  The appearance of the nose may also be altered to meet the patient’s cosmetic goals of attaining a well-shaped nose. This is cosmetic rhinoplasty. Whatever the reason for the nose surgery, rhinoplasty has to be performed by an expert plastic surgeon to ensure the best outcome.

Physical and psychological fitness is a pre-requisite for every plastic surgery procedure. Clients with any kind of cardiovascular or respiratory problems are not good candidates for aesthetic or reconstructive nasal procedures as breathing complications could occur. In any case, if you are considering having your surgery in Connecticut, your first consideration should be to find an experienced plastic surgeon to evaluate you and perform the procedure.

There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed:
  • Open rhinoplasty
In this procedure, an incision is made outside the columella - the fleshy exterior end of the nasal septum. Reshaping is done by making necessary changes of the nasal skin, soft tissue, the cartilage or the bone support frame work, which covers the nose.
  • Closed rhinoplasty
To perform closed rhinoplasty, a surgical incision is made inside the nose. So the incision is not visible externally. A closed rhinoplasty decreases the need for dissection and reduces postoperative edema. Moreover, the duration of the procedure is comparatively shorter than an open surgical correction and so a quick recovery is possible.

What you can expect after the surgery?

Patient can leave the hospital either on the same day of the surgery or the next day depending on the type of aneasthesia used. The surgery may be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on individual considerations. A nasal splint may be required for a week and there will be swelling around the area for one or two months. You need to be careful while sneezing or blowing through the nose as this can disturb and rupture the soft tissues. Bones often requires about six weeks to get heal and integrate. The final results are usually visible about six months following the operation.

Many people consider a well shaped nose as the most distinctive feature of facial beauty. Innovative techniques, well equipped clinics, and experienced plastic surgeon have made things easier to achieve. So just do a little research about why you should consider rhinoplasty in Connecticut and find the right plastic surgery center to experience the benefits of nose surgery.